Women’s Health Services

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Women’s Health Services

City Clinic’s Women’s and Men’s Health Services are tailored to meet the unique health needs of each patient, promoting well-being through every life stage. Our dedicated team provides compassionate care, offering preventive screenings, counseling, and management plans that support a lifetime of health.

Women’s Health Services

Breast Exams
Much attention is needed to breast examinations in order to promote early clinical interventions for breast abnormalities such as lumps and tissue changes. Our experts conduct elaborate breast assessments and assist in self-breast examination among patients, and, where needed, imaging procedures such as mammography. We emphasize this intervention because we believe that it will be possible to assist the patient earlier for better results.

Menstrual Health and Menopause Management
Symptom alleviation support is offered at all stages from period problems to depression related to caring menopause. Cycle irregularity, hormonal fluctuations, hot flashes, low moods and their variations are addressed by the specialists. No treatment comes without restraints; therefore to alleviate discomfort and achieve equilibrium we have different levels of care such as lifestyle changes or hormone therapy.

Contraception Counseling
Selecting a contraceptive method is a very individual matter. In this regard, our patients have access to contraception counseling services which inform them on methods such as – birth control pills, IUDs, implants and non hormonal methods. According to the patient’s lifestyle and health aspirations, we make sure that every patient is comfortable enough with her choice.

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